Volunteer at a Distribution

Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Our volunteers come from a wide variety of places: organizations, churches, businesses, family, friends, and YOU. We need friendly volunteers who can help with the setup, distribution, and cleanup of each event. Here’s how:

Volunteer at Peace Lutheran - First Sundays

  • Volunteers (22-25 people, capable of lifting boxes)

  • Sponsorship ($450.00 cash or check to Charis Ministry Partners)

  • Toilet Paper Rolls (goal: 2,500 rolls) start collecting early!

    On Sundays, please arrive at 2:00pm at the WEST SIDE doors by the new Peace gym. We will begin our time with a large group meeting, followed by assigning jobs and beginning setup tasks. Everyone participates in setup and cleanup after our meeting. Volunteers choose from tasks in the Gym, Atrium, and Fellowship Hall during the distribution (3-4pm).

Volunteer at First Lutheran - Third Tuesdays

  • Volunteers (10-12 people, capable of lifting boxes)

  • Sponsorship ($450.00 cash or check to Charis Ministry Partners)

  • Toilet Paper Rolls (goal: 2,000 rolls) start collecting early!

    On Tuesdays, please arrive at 4:45pm at the front doors of First Lutheran Church. We begin with bagging toilet paper and setting up the product tables for the event. The distribution (6-7pm) runs for an hour, followed by cleanup.

    For more information, or to sign up for a date with your crew, please contact us at charissiouxfalls@gmail.com.

If you are interested in sponsoring a monthly distribution, please contact the Charis Director to discuss available opportunities.